dimanche 29 septembre 2013
La Nouvelle Zélande, des moutons et ... ma cousine
Je viens de rentrer d'une visite en Nouvelle Zélande. J'étais épaté - pour plusieurs raisons.
Et je voulais vous partager cela en quelques mots et surtout avec des photos, comme d'habitude.
Il fallait que je réactive mon visa pour une nouvelle période de trois mois. Et pour ce faire il fallait que je quitte l'Australie. Le voyage le plus proche dans un autre pays que j'ai trouvé était la Nouvelle Zélande, a 3 h 30 de vol depuis Melbourne. Mais en fait c'était surtout pour visiter ma cousine Maja qui y habite depuis vingt ans. Elle s'était marié avec un charmant prince de la Nouvelle Zélande, qui règne sur un domaine habite par 2400 moutons (plus les 4000 agneaux qui viennent de naitre). Je n'ai plus jamais pu la voir, ni rencontrer ses 4 enfants. Il fallait donc y aller.
Comme vous pouvez voir, ce pays est magnifique, vert et sillonné de hauts montagnes, ressemble un peu a la Suisse.
Ce pays qui est habité par 4,2 Mio. d'habitants en fait compte 34 Mio. de moutons soti un ratio de 1 humain pour 8 moutons.
Et j'ai pu aider a rassembler les moutons pour la tonte et les vaccins, nourrir les petits agneaux...
Voici la tonte dans la ferme chez Maja et Mark. Drôlement efficace je vous l'assure
J'ai aussi pu voir des agneaux qui venaient tout juste de naître, encore un peu jaune:
Mais il y a aussi d'autres habitants sur cette ile:
Mais ce qui m'a réjouie le plus ce n'était ni la belle nature, ni les moutons, mais bien les bons moments passe avec Maja et Mark et leurs enfants Jess, Joel et Marcia. Laura était absente, elle était remplacé par Michael le fils de mon autre cousin qui était en visite aussi:
Ils sont super, une famille chouette, leur vie et leur foi m'ont vraiment encourage.
Je les kiffe, que Dieu vous garde et vous benisse.
Mais il ne fallait pas perdre les bonnes habitudes, d'abord le café (il fallait le gouter...)
et ensuite les vieilles voitures:
Merci Maja pour tout, j'ai vraiment apprécié de te revoir et renouer avec toi, ta patience et ta gentillesse m'ont si encouragé. Merci pour ces bons moments inoubliable ensemble.
mardi 17 septembre 2013
Tooth Fairies?
Have I ever told you how much we love Eve's school here in Australia? It's so creative and practical and loving and caring of the childs general well being and not only what they can learn intellectually but what they can learn to become good citizens
And look at this! If this is not paying attention to detail and giving a child a sense of belonging and care I don't know what is. I mean I'm not really into tooth fairies or the tooth mice we hear about in France and we all know where the money comes from but I just thought it was so sweet to have put the thought into it. There's even a tiny zip it bag stapled to it. I love it!
And look at this! If this is not paying attention to detail and giving a child a sense of belonging and care I don't know what is. I mean I'm not really into tooth fairies or the tooth mice we hear about in France and we all know where the money comes from but I just thought it was so sweet to have put the thought into it. There's even a tiny zip it bag stapled to it. I love it!
Tuesday Tummies
Chocalate crackles are a real traditional Australian party treat. Mums have been making these over the decades all over the country. They are simple and I still find them yummy, although these days it would be better for me not to partake in too much Chocolate crackle chomping!!
Mix all ingredients (see below) together and press into a shallow sandwich or slice tin.Place in fridge overnight. You can also just drop a spoonful of mixture into patty cases and let set in the fridge. This is the traditional way of doing it by the way but I wanted to do something a little more "chic"
Cut into squares or bars,to your conveniance.
See! Cute right?
Et voila! Chocolate crackles for everyone!! Enjoy.
3cups rice bubbles
3cups of dessicated coconut
300g of good cookling chocolate
3/4 cup of butter or margarine
Traditionally copha (a sort of hydrogenised coconut oil) and cocoa are used but on doing my research on internet I have discovered that it is not the best for your health so I've adapted it , not that chocolate is really good for you!! Also copha is difficult to find outside of Australia;)
Makes quite a lot!
Mix all ingredients (see below) together and press into a shallow sandwich or slice tin.Place in fridge overnight. You can also just drop a spoonful of mixture into patty cases and let set in the fridge. This is the traditional way of doing it by the way but I wanted to do something a little more "chic"
Cut into squares or bars,to your conveniance.
See! Cute right?
Et voila! Chocolate crackles for everyone!! Enjoy.
3cups rice bubbles
3cups of dessicated coconut
300g of good cookling chocolate
3/4 cup of butter or margarine
Traditionally copha (a sort of hydrogenised coconut oil) and cocoa are used but on doing my research on internet I have discovered that it is not the best for your health so I've adapted it , not that chocolate is really good for you!! Also copha is difficult to find outside of Australia;)
Makes quite a lot!
lundi 16 septembre 2013
St. Kilda
.......oui ,oui des croissants!
Et le très vieux Parc d'Attraction (et ce n'est pas parce que maman le féquenter pendant sa jeunesse), il fêtes ses 100 bougies, aparamment le plus ancien de l'Australie. Une sorte de féte foraine permanente. L'entrée est originale :
![]() |
Alors, les jeunes, on se fait la l'Extreme Montagne Russe ou L'ultime dechicator Ghost Train? |
St Kilda est aussi une centre Balneare car comme beacoup de "suburbs" à Melbourne la plage est juste à côté. Mais plus sûr ça bientôt. TCHUUUUUUUUUUUUUS!
vendredi 13 septembre 2013
Lunch Box
Pourquoi pas vous raconter les trucs basiques ? Comme les lunch box que nous préparons tous les soirs avant de nous coucher...
Alors voici un peu le genre de lunch que nous prenons.
Nous pouvons l'emener avec une boite, donc un lunch box, plutot pratique ou aussi des lunch bags.
Les Australiens prennent souvent des sandwichs ou du pain au peanut butter ou alors du chocolat Australien.
Les Chinois prennent tout le temps des nouilles ou du riz, bref...un trucs Chinois quoi !
En tout cas nous nous regalons !!!!!!!!!lundi 9 septembre 2013
Tuesday Tummies
Have you ever looked at the Avocado and wondered how you could eat it? Well today I want to share with you this tried, tested and loved recipe that we have been using for years in our family. Ofcourse now that we're back in AvocadoLand we enjoy it even more.
So grab yourself a lovely, ripe, soft, Avocado , usually quite dark and a little wrinkly are the signs of a good one. You don't want it to be too ripe because they get stringy and that's not nice!
With a fairly sharp knife cut long ways all around the Avocado, gently pull apart and discard the beautiful pip or try growing your own avocado tree!
Squeeze the flesh out into a bowl, it comes out quite easily if ripe enough. Mash with a fork.
I used one avocado here, but when I'm making it for my rather large brood, I use 4 or 5. And even the most difficult eaters love it!
Add whatever herbs and spices to the mash. Personally I like to keep it simple with some chili flakesand garlic sometimes a little lemon juice (this also prevents it from browning)
A little pepper.........
And a little salt!
Et Voila! The perfect and healthy spread made by you in about 5minutes, that's all!!
It's really nice on toasted bread but you can put it on anything else that's crunchy..........or not. As you wish.
To be eaten immediately.
I mean once you've tried it it's hard to resist.
Yummy- yummy- Yummy;
So grab yourself a lovely, ripe, soft, Avocado , usually quite dark and a little wrinkly are the signs of a good one. You don't want it to be too ripe because they get stringy and that's not nice!
With a fairly sharp knife cut long ways all around the Avocado, gently pull apart and discard the beautiful pip or try growing your own avocado tree!
Squeeze the flesh out into a bowl, it comes out quite easily if ripe enough. Mash with a fork.
I used one avocado here, but when I'm making it for my rather large brood, I use 4 or 5. And even the most difficult eaters love it!
Add whatever herbs and spices to the mash. Personally I like to keep it simple with some chili flakesand garlic sometimes a little lemon juice (this also prevents it from browning)
A little pepper.........
And a little salt!
Et Voila! The perfect and healthy spread made by you in about 5minutes, that's all!!
It's really nice on toasted bread but you can put it on anything else that's crunchy..........or not. As you wish.
To be eaten immediately.
I mean once you've tried it it's hard to resist.
Yummy- yummy- Yummy;
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