lundi 9 septembre 2013

Tuesday Tummies

 Have you ever looked at the Avocado and wondered how you could eat it? Well today I want to share with you this tried, tested and loved recipe that we  have been using for years in our family. Ofcourse now that we're back in AvocadoLand  we enjoy it even more.  
 So grab yourself a lovely, ripe, soft, Avocado , usually quite dark and a little wrinkly are the signs of a good one. You don't want it to be too ripe because they get stringy and that's not nice!
 With a fairly sharp knife cut long ways all around the Avocado, gently pull apart and discard the beautiful pip or try growing your own avocado tree!
 Squeeze the flesh out into a bowl, it comes out quite easily if ripe enough. Mash with a fork.
 I used one avocado here, but when I'm making it for my rather large brood, I use 4 or 5. And  even the most difficult eaters love it!
 Add whatever herbs and spices to the  mash. Personally I like to keep it simple with some chili flakesand garlic sometimes a little lemon juice (this also prevents it from browning)

 A little pepper.........
 And a little salt!
 Et Voila! The perfect and healthy spread made by you in about 5minutes, that's all!!
 It's really nice on toasted bread but you can put it on anything else that's crunchy..........or not. As you wish.
 To be eaten immediately.
 I mean once you've tried it it's hard to resist.
 Yummy- yummy- Yummy;
                                                         THE END

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