mardi 17 septembre 2013

Tuesday Tummies

 Chocalate crackles are a real traditional  Australian party treat. Mums have been making these over the decades all over the country. They are simple and I still find them yummy, although these days it would be better for me not to partake in too much Chocolate crackle chomping!!
 Mix all ingredients (see below) together and press into a shallow sandwich or slice tin.Place in fridge overnight. You can also just drop a spoonful of mixture into patty cases and let set in the fridge. This is the  traditional way of doing it by the way but I wanted to do something a little more "chic"
 Cut into squares or bars,to your conveniance.
 For school I  like to pack them up into little parcels because a) they look cute and b) I'm crazy
 See! Cute right?
 Et voila! Chocolate crackles for everyone!! Enjoy.
3cups rice bubbles
3cups of dessicated coconut
300g of good cookling chocolate
3/4 cup of butter or margarine

 Traditionally copha (a sort of hydrogenised coconut oil) and cocoa are used but on doing my research on internet I have discovered that it is not the best for your health so I've adapted it , not that chocolate is really good for you!! Also copha is difficult to find outside of Australia;)

Makes quite a lot!

1 commentaire:

  1. Super cool !

    c'est le genre de goûter que nos jeunes vont aimer !
    Merci pour l'idée :-)

    Bises à tous,


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