Welcome to our new place!! A little less luxe than our last place but we have learned to be content in ALL situations and it's a great exercise for the kids too.
Just outside our door , a beautiful sitting area and you can see the church building just to the side. (Another post about that later.)
It's all in the details darling!
I whipped up a few cushions to brighten up the 70s sofas.
Look at those beautiful roses. Such an unusual colour,thanks Lucy!
This place was empty so we did our best in rummaging furniture here and there with the help of the terribly generous church members who we have grown to love. The blue table was painted by Eric and given to me by my boss. The colour is called "joyful morning" and it sure makes me feel joyful!! And look at those sofas, they look like Danish design that sell for thousands!
Flowers and fruit always brighten a space. These citrous fruit come from an old freinds garden. The gardens here are AMAZING!
A painting we did as a family inspired by what we see around us.
Kitchen details.........Erics' collection.
Still don't know what to do with that red hession wall next to the blackboard. This room used to be used as for a kindergarten.
Little details make the difference right? I had to do things that are not permanent ,doesn't cost much but gives a homely feel to the place even if it is only short term, you know me, I'm a nester!!
Someone from the church left these for us one day. I thought they were fake they are so perfect. Azaleas become enormous here and they are so pretty! We are continuously amazed and touched by the generosity and kindness of the small church community here. We feel So welcomed here even though we only know them since a couple of months!!
Details in "La cuisine" Sarah if you're reading that grater is for you. I found it at a OP shop. Cute?
->Les trois premiers mois se sont écoulés. Dad a fini son voyage en New-Zealand pour renouveler son visa, il nous faut trouver une autre maison. Nous avons cherché longtemps et nous nous sommes vraiment pris a l'avance, croyez-moi. Malheureusement nous n'en n'avons pas trouvé et c'est donc là que s'acheve notre merveilleuse aventure. Nous sommes désespérés.
Je rigoule!
Just Kidding
Vous allez trouver ça incroyable, mais derrière le bâtiment de notre église, il y a un grand local qui leurs appartient. Il se trouve justement qu'il se libère tout juste au bon moment, les anciens locataires ayant trouvé une maison.
Et donc ils nous ont proposé d'emménager et c'est comme cela que l'aventure continue.
le devant avec l'entrée principale |
Ce n'est pas un hôtel cinq étoiles mais franchement, avec les incroyables capacités déco de Mum, ça le fait.
Notre studio, "games room only for boys" |
Il y a de quoi s'en occupé, Jesse devient un vrai pro du petit balle jaune!! And finally the moto of the day
REJOICE EVERYDAY IN THE LORD it's a life changer!!!