mardi 18 février 2014

Folk, time to go !

     Yeah guys, after all the Incredible, Amazing, astounding, breathtaking, eye-opening, mind-boggling, overwhelming, , startling, stunning, surprising and unforgettable Adventure, it's Finely time to cruse away!

We going now to Hô-Chi-Minh, in Viêtnam,  and then to Doha in Katar, and finally to Paris.

All members of the family Dettwilers had a wonderful time and I can assure you that  none of us will forget them.
We would really like to thank all those who have followed us, the people who supported us and all the people who welcomed us.

All members of the family Dettwilers had a wonderful time and I can assure you that  none of us will forget them. 
We would really like to thank all those who have followed us, the people who supported us and all the people who welcomed us.

It was a pleasure. 


2 commentaires:

  1. Ce commentaire a été supprimé par l'auteur.

  2. Have a save trip home dear Dett's. May the Lord fills your heart with His amazing peace as you let John "behind" you. LoveU


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