mercredi 5 février 2014

The Adventure continues

             Leaving Australia was difficult and heart breaking. During our 7 month stay, we not only discovered, and re-discovered a beautiful, rugged and colourful continent ( yes, you sceptics, I said continent! To cross the country it takes 8 hrs of flight, that's the same distance from Paris to Moscow!) We also made some wonderful new freinds and cultivated old friendships. These relationships we will never forget and we really hope we will have a lot of Australian visitors in the near future!

The kids all went to school here and excelled and made friends.

We could not have ever imagined  in our wildest dreams all that our God would allow us to par take of. All the smallest wee details we saw Him at work! I couldn't mention all here but I hope we will soon have the opportunity to bore you with some of those details soon!

 Like the buisness Eric and I set up to provide for our family. We're a great team you know?

 And the little church which encouraged us to no end......There were tears of sadness but also a sense of hope as I left the red country, the hope that it would not be another 20 years before we return to my beloved home land.
But the adventure continues! Time to confess : We will visit Gaby and Manil !! Our dear friends live in Cambodia and we will join them !

Today we are in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia for a lucky stop over.

Malaysia Flag
Kuala Lumpur
It is a place of great interest,as exotic as you dare to imagine. First impressions as we arrived at the modest airport are of a vast green jungle of palm trees, the people are friendly and courtious, the air is filled with a palette of different perfumes and smells that seem so familiar of many South East Asian countries.

We were tranfered directly by taxi from the airport

To our bed & breakfast situated in one of the last colonial houses that exist in the heart of the city.

The place is charming, clean and air conditioned! We also now have WIFI so our most faithful correspondant Jesse, will be less frustrated in trying to keep you informed! And the adventure continues...


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