lundi 19 août 2013

Tuesday Tummies


 Today I thought I would share with you a very special recipe. Eric's favourite recipe in  the whole wild world! Eric discovered the delights of scones last time we were in Australia 20 years ago and has never forgotten their tender, buttery, soft texture not to mention the whipped cream dropped on top with great tenderness. Unfortunately I was never able to replicate those said scones even though I have always had the recipe.........   
  1. Preheat oven to 200°C. Lightly dust a flat baking tray with plain flour. Sift self-raising flour into a large bowl.

  2. Using your fingertips, rub butter into flour until mixture resembles breadcrumbs.

  3. Make a well in the centre. Add 1 cup of milk. Mix with a flat-bladed knife until mixture forms a soft dough, adding more milk if required. Turn onto a lightly floured surface. Knead gently until smooth (don't knead dough too much or scones will be tough).

  4. Pat dough into a 2cm-thick round. Using a 5cm (diameter) round cutter, cut out 12 rounds. Press dough together and cut out remaining 4 rounds. Place scones onto prepared baking tray, 1cm apart. Sprinkle tops with a little plain flour. Bake for 20 to 25 minutes or until golden and well risen. Transfer to a wire rack. Serve warm with jam and cream.
 So this time round I was determined to get the right recipe from a veteran scone maker! I mean someone who is in the Know! Her name is Jenny and what she taught me was that the most important thing to make great scones is not to touch the mixture too much use a knife to mix to form a light dough. The more you touch it the harder and 'rock like' the scones will become.  Et voila! I hope you enjoy!

 I know someone who does!!

3 commentaires:

  1. Mmmmmh Yummy !!!

    Eric really does like scones ;-)

    Thanks for sharing the secret of these.

    Je vous embrasse tous bien fort!

  2. Ca a l'air trop bon ces "trucs"...!! :)

  3. Hé! Just wanted to say that on Friday I had a 3hour introductory talk to the Maths modules that I will read, and at the break, we have been offered scones! Yes, the Department of Physics has set scones for us! I Love the UK! Of course, they weren't as good as Mum's, but still!
    I miss you and LOVE you!


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