mardi 27 août 2013

Tuesday Tummies

Today I want to share with you a real favourite Australian dessert. Having been submerged in the glorious world of French pattisseries since 20 years I nearly forgot this beautiful and so easy dessert! I think I've made it 3 times already since being here! It's really so easy and there are so many variations! So watch out all you French friends, you will be invited for this on my return!!!!
 It looks terribly similar to last weeks recipe but believe  me it's different. Ok so the cream is the same as Zach would say C'est la bâââââââse!

4 eggs
11/4 cup white sugar
1tsp Vanilla essence
1tsp vinegar
2tsp flour or corn starch

Beat egg whites and sugar until very thick and glossy. It should stand in peaks like a meringue mix. Add vanilla essence and vinegar.(the vinegar makes the meringue soft inside and that's what makes it a Pavlova and not just a big meringue) Beat again. Gradually add flour. See SO easy!
On a tray lined with baking paper, form a circle. You can make one large Pavlova or little individual ones as I have here. Either way it tastes the same but may take longer to cook the larger one.
Bake in pre-heated oven at 150° C for approx 1hour (but just keep checking you don't want them to get brown) and then turn oven off and leave them in the oven to cool with the door open ajar for as long at that takes.@1hour
Whip up some cream, add a little sugar to taste, fill your Pavlova and top with what ever fruit you like. You can also put a mix of fruit on top. Kiwi, stawberries ,bananas and mango and passionfruit. You wont be dissapointed. Try it!     

4 commentaires:

  1. Le jour de mon anniversaire : meringue, chantilly, fraises ... tout ce que j'aime !
    J'arriiiiiiiiiiive !

    1. Joyeux Anniversaire Rachel! Vous avez tout les deux l'anniversaire en aout? Bisous

    2. Merci ! A 3 jours d'intervalle, oui ! Le 24 pour Xavier et le 27 pour moi ... Du coup, on fête pendant 4 jours !

  2. Ce commentaire a été supprimé par l'auteur.


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